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Sun & Moon energy spell

S$ 250.00

This spell is a power shot of explosive, amazing energies from the Sun & Moon! You will have a constant and empowering force of Universal energies at your command. The soothing, balancing, calming, and restorative powers of the Lunar energies at night... and the motivational, awakening, energetic, passionate, and spunky powers during the day! This spell is the foundation of all the influences, powers, and energies you need to have the perfect balance & atmosphere day and night.

The Lunar energies provide you a great bed of power in which you can relax, destress, calm, and lull yourself into sleep. While you slumber the Lunar energies are providing you the foundation of power you need to utilize your Astral body and your Astral spells/enchantments/powers at their greatest! Whether you simply want a restorative night of sleep, if you Astral Travel, use various Astral enchantments while you sleep, or if you interact with Astral spirit or entities. This spell gives you the kind of influential power you need to take the next step in your journey!

The Solar energies provide you the jolt of motivation & determination you need every morning to wake to a day of ultimate possibilities! You will feel excited, creative, and ready for the day as this binding is the tool to help you wake and prepare for a great day ahead. It gives you the zap of power you need to jump into the day with good fortune. It provides you the empowering foundation you need to work with any Earthen or Spiritual enchantments/rituals/spells, or Earthen or Spiritual entities and spirits, or any daytime activities in your daily life. It's the kind of embracing influence that will help you to do everything possible for a prosperous day.

The Solar & Lunar phases will mold, shape, and embrace you with their waxing and waning energies every day. You will feel the true, ancient energies of the Sun & Moon as they move through their cycles as related to you here on Earth. It's a tremendous feeling with such great promise and opportunity for you to learn, understand, and evolve!

This spell is only cast at Level 5