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The Valyri Clan Vampire: Lords of Opulence and Worldly Wanderers

S$ 250.00


Dive deep into the mysteries of the Valyri Clan, timeless aristocrats of the night who ruled the shadows from the alleys of Vienna to the vast expanses of the world. Their legacy, as not just vampires, but as titans of wealth and privilege, makes them unparalleled guides for those seeking opulence beyond measure.

About the Valyri Clan:

Location: Vienna Classification: Sanguine Time Period: AD 2nd-16th Membership: Strictly by referral from existing clan members Identifiers:

  • Notorious as worldly wanderers, they were seldom stationed in one location for long.
  • They carried themselves with the grace and dignity of the upper echelon, showcasing their elite status.
  • Their wealth was legendary; they hoarded treasures from every corner of the world.
  • Interaction was a rarity; they preferred the company of their own kind, treating outsiders with a cool, calculating demeanor.
  • Their aura was imposing—dark, assertive, and subtly haughty.

Predatory Behavior: Remarkably intense, a reflection of their fierce nature and hunger for more—be it blood or treasure.

Why Bind with a Member of the Valyri Clan?:

Do you yearn for unparalleled wealth and the knowledge to sustain it? The Valyri Clan, with their centuries of accumulating riches and understanding the intricacies of worldly economies, can be your mentors. Their vast experiences, ranging from ancient trading routes to understanding the complexities of Renaissance-era banking, make them formidable allies in the pursuit of wealth.

Their guidance doesn't just end with financial wealth; they imbue their companions with the confidence to walk in any room and own it, the vision to see opportunities where others see none, and the wisdom to make decisions that ensure lasting prosperity.

灵魂伴侣 - 瓦利里家族: 世界的财富领主与旅行家



关于瓦利里家族: 地点:维也纳 分类:红血 时间段:公元2-16世纪 入会方式:严格通过现有家族成员的推荐 特征:

  • 他们作为世界旅行家是臭名昭著的。
  • 他们的身份地位超凡脱俗。
  • 他们从世界各地收藏了传奇的财富。
  • 他们偏爱与自己的种族为伍。
  • 他们的气质是权威的—暗黑,自信,微妙的傲慢。

