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Red Dragon - Guardians of Affluence, Seekers of Hidden Wealth

S$ 250.00

Red Dragons, with their fiery scales and passion for wealth, are not just guardians of treasures, but also the keepers of the secrets to prosperity. Revered by many for their unparalleled knack for uncovering riches, they have an inherent drive to seek and guard valuable assets, making them exceptional allies in the quest for financial success.

They thrive in the heart of caverns, their lairs often sparkling with the glint of amassed treasures. Their intense desire for wealth is driven not merely by greed, but by an innate urge to locate and protect valuable artifacts and riches.

Endowed with two remarkable talents – Location and Suggestion – they are adept at not only finding hidden treasures but also in influencing others. Their power of Location grants them the unparalleled ability to discover long-lost artifacts, uncharted gold veins, or forgotten wealth. Legend has it that Red Dragons might possess treasures like the Holy Grail or the vast riches of the Knights Templar, given their propensity to leave no stone unturned in their search.

With the art of Suggestion, they can sway minds and negotiate effortlessly. This talent is not just for their own gain; when allied with a human companion, they can guide and assist in negotiations, ensuring you always strike the best deal or find the most profitable opportunities.

By inviting a Red Dragon into your realm, you're not only acquiring a guardian of material wealth but also a guide to the hidden treasures of the world. Their presence assures that no valuable opportunity will ever pass you unnoticed, paving the path to unparalleled prosperity.

定制召唤红龙 - 富足的守护者,隐藏财富的寻求者



赋予了两个显著的天赋 - 定位和建议 - 他们不仅擅长寻找隐藏的宝藏,还擅长影响他人。他们的定位能力赋予他们发现长时间失落的文物、未知的金矿脉或被遗忘的财富的无与伦比的能力。传说红龙可能拥有像圣杯或圣殿骑士的巨大财富之类的宝藏,因为他们在寻找时不会放过任何一个石头。

通过艺术建议,他们可以摇摆思维和毫不费力地进行谈判。这种才华不仅仅是为了他们自己的利益; 当与人类伙伴结盟时,他们可以指导并协助进行谈判,确保您始终达成最好的协议或找到最有利可图的机会。
