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Werewolf companion

S$ 180.00

Thaiwitchsabrina is glad to present you with Werewolf spirit companion.

Werewolves are extremelypowerful beings with enormous strength, superpowers, and a connection to the tremendous lunar forces.

Their devotion to their Guardian is uncompromising, and this can also mean that they can be quite powerful and have substantial electrical energies  
joint discomfort when very dynamic.

Keeper species are both gatekeepers and defenders of their Keepers, as well as the Keepers' residences and all spirits, part of the family.

They can be testy, and the sound of their claws as they make clicking noises as they walk can be heard on hard floors.

The relationship  they have with their human companion is strong,hence they will be protective to that person.

Werewolf will help you:
🐗  Guidance
🐗 Protection
🐗 Psychic Power Intuition
🐗 Power
🐗 Banish any evil spirits