Onoden Gargoyle - Sentinels of the Hallowed Earth
The Onoden Gargoyles, esteemed as the sentinels of the most hallowed terrains, are revered entities with a divine mandate to shield and sanctify. Historically, these vigilant guardians have been intertwined with places of spiritual reverence: ancient cemeteries echoing with ancestral whispers, churches resonating with sacred hymns, spiritually charged lands, and numerous other sanctums around the world that hold a special significance.
Though diminutive in stature, they are fierce in spirit. Their speed is a juxtaposition to their size – darting like flashes of light, defending the sanctified grounds with unparalleled fierceness. Their expertise isn't limited to physical defense; they possess profound mental capabilities, allowing them to influence minds and deter any unwanted intrusions. Their mastery over offensive and defensive tactics makes them a force to be reckoned with.
As companions, the Onoden Gargoyles are a whirlwind of energy, offering not just protection but also sharing ancient wisdom and insights about sacred places. They harbor a strong territorial instinct, and their protective nature ensures that their Keeper and their sacred domains remain untouched and unviolated. With their astute minds and shrewd strategies, they are not only guardians of places but also of the secrets they hold.
奥诺登石像鬼 - 神圣之地的守护者
尽管身材娇小,但他们的精神是凶猛的。他们的速度与他们的大小形成鲜明对比 - 像光的闪烁般飞驰,以无与伦比的凶猛守卫神圣的土地。他们的专长不仅限于物理防御;他们拥有深入的心灵能力,允许他们影响思维并阻止任何不必要的入侵。他们在进攻和防守策略上的精通使他们成为不容忽视的力量。