Similarities spell
The Similarities spell is a means through which you can pair yourself to someone else in your life and the bond will be closer than anything you've ever experienced before!
The Similarities spell create an individual, immediate Channel between yourself and the other person. What we've developed touches on many aspects of you and the other person which includes all past lives, ancestral roots, energy signature, and even future paths you and the other person have in common. Through this any connections, important information, dormant, semi-dormant, or apparent abilities, any future abilities, anything at ALL that would aid in your connection, interaction, and experiences between you & the other person is connected through this Similarities spell.
Each cast is unique, and different, through our skilled spell caster. The type of relationship and bond you create between the two of you will take on unique and significant markers.
This spell is significant because it pairs you on a supernatural level through any kind of shared bonds you have outside of the normal. It can be bonds that are forged in past life connections, or through shared non-human DNA connections, or through future paths you both will share... it's a new & exciting way to form a powerful foundation for friendship, love, and appreciation.
This spell is very good for when you meet someone new or if you wish for that someone like your crush to have closer bond with you like you both not yet start talking yet then this spell is for you. Also if you feel your partner is drifting away this will also helps to strength the connection by bringing more Similarities to the both of you.