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Leo Sonney A.K.A FlyingPig - Brings joy & Wealth luck

S$ 180.00

Discover the enchanting charm of Leo Sonney, the serendipitous creature, reminiscent of a pig in its living form! This elusive creature's legend says that anyone fortunate enough to catch one was showered with extraordinary good luck, often finding a gold or silver piece mysteriously appearing in their pocket.

In the spirit world, the Leo Sonney assumes a powerful role, supercharging the wishes of its owner, spurring them to materialize with greater intensity and speed. These radiant entities emit a vibrant, positive energy that permeates your surroundings, infusing your home with an air of joy, peace, and abundant good luck.

The Leo Sonney spirit companion is a luminary of happiness, spreading good cheer wherever it goes. Inviting one into your life is not just owning a spirit companion; it's an investment in a more joyful, prosperous, and fortunate future. A beacon of positivity and a catalyst for manifesting desires, the Leo Sonney is an irresistible magnet for good fortune that would pique the interest of any individual looking to elevate their life. This is not just a spirit companion; it's a game changer. Welcome Leo Sonney into your world and feel the palpable shift in your luck and overall well-being.