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3rd eye opening

S$ 60.00


Third Eye opening so you can use your Third Eye in any way you wish. Your Third Eye can be an important tool to changing your life and your future. Through your Third Eye you can see visions, communicate with spirit & entities, see the unseen in the Universe, and open new doors into the 3 Realms.

The process of activation implies you are prepared to utilise your Third Eye powers in any capacity. You can allow your Third Eye to wander, or you can use it to help with a specific goal.

Opening: This signifies you are getting ready to delve right into the abilities of the Third Eye for usage in various fields such as Psychic abilities, Realm Travel, and the discovery of greater knowledge.

How to to know your 3rd eye is open? here are some example.

  •         Increased Intuition: You might find your intuition, or "gut feelings," becoming more pronounced. You may be able to make decisions more easily or predict outcomes with more accuracy.
  •         Changes in Perception: You might start to see things in a different light, perceiving deeper meanings in everyday situations. Some people report an increased awareness of symbols, patterns, or synchronicities.
  •         Enhanced Empathy: You may become more attuned to the feelings and emotions of others, or feel more deeply connected to the people and world around you.
  •         Visual Phenomena: Some people report seeing lights, colors, or images with a new intensity or clarity. There may also be experiences of closed-eye visualizations or lucid dreaming.
  •         Psychic Abilities: This can include things like precognition (knowing things before they happen), clairvoyance (seeing things beyond the normal range of vision), or telepathy (communication without using traditional senses).
  •         Physical Sensations: Some people report physical sensations associated with the third eye, such as a feeling of warmth, tingling, or pressure in the area of the forehead where the third eye is said to be.
  •         Increased Mindfulness: You may become more present in the moment and aware of your own thoughts and feelings. This can include a deeper sense of peace or interconnectedness.

---------Orb of power-------------

If you want to work your Third Eye to the max and take advantage of all the abilities, gifts, and powers your Third Eye can afford you then this is the Orb of power you want to work with! You can control the opening & closing of your Third Eye, give your Third Eye power shocks to force it open safely during times when you need immediate connection, view through your Third Eye, control how long your Third Eye is open, and awaken to many possibilities when it comes to magick & spirits. This is the exceptional opportunity for you to really get a feeling for your Third Eye, understand how it works, and utilize its strengths to the max!

When your Third Eye is open you can use it to do many paranormal endeavors and take on many new opportunities to see, feel, and experience the mystic arts, magick, and spirits. It's a way for you to really get in touch with what is within the Astral Realm or Spiritual Realm. It's the way for you to connect and interact with the powers of the paranormal around you and realize the full strength of your abilities!

---------Ability to see unbound spirit(Ghost vision)-------------------

This the ability i guess some people wants.If you like to communicate with the dead you are about to have an eye-opening experience

Again, This binding this allows you to see the dead and at times see them in what appears to be full, physical form... the only telling factor being their shadow... either the lack of one or the fact their shadow is in the form of a spirit or the Reaper.

Can it be startling? Yes. But those who are looking to see and communicate with the dead must expect it.

This opens gateways to seeing spirits and ghosts. You may see them in any number of forms from human, animal, spectre, orbs, mist, etc. You can see them wide awake while you are alone, while you are outside, while you are the store, who knows. I can't tell you. All I can tell you is that this spell works.