Spell To Give OBE & Dreams
Unveil the mysteries of your mind and embark on a journey beyond the ordinary! This unique enchantment invites you into the realm of extraordinary dreams and out-of-body experiences (OBEs). Eager to explore the astral plane and unlock the doors to your subconscious? Then this ethereal blend will become your treasured key.
Simply carry or adorn the vessel throughout the day, placing it within a foot's distance from your bed when night falls. As it tunes into your daily life experiences, its power synchronizes more deeply with you, amplifying the intensity of your dreams and OBEs.
It is recommended to bind to essence instead of a vessel for best effect without the need to carry around a vessel all the time.
You might experience a brief, electrifying sensation just as you're on the cusp of sleep. This marks the alignment of your astral body with your subconscious and the vast universe of astral travel. Dive into dreams that are not only vivid but offer insights into your life through the lens of your psychic energy. They’ll resonate with profound wisdom related to your daily encounters.
Engage in out-of-body journeys where your astral self, securely anchored to your core being, gathers memories, experiences, and sensations. This allows a seamless recollection once you awaken. Redefine your life's experiences, explore newfound horizons, and open doors to personal growth and evolution with this enchanting binding.
spell comes with codeword to activate and deactivate.